Korflite League Blog
The Korflite league is now in full swing and each week over 70 people – many who have never tried Korfball before – are getting involved in round robin matches.
Each week, a different player will give their experience of playing in the league.
Week 1 – Susan Belfourd, CCKC player
The league in week 1 went as smoothly. The practice session was great and saw lots of people who have never played korfball before having a go and scoring some lovely goals. This week was for real and everyone’s competitive nature started to show!
The teams are a real mix, some are work teams and some are teams of friends. Most people have heard about korfball from an existing player and wanted to give it a go in a fun, informal setting but we are starting to get people playing who have seen us playing in the park!
There were some really close games this week and I was amazed at how quickly people picked up not only the rules but tactics too!! We had complete beginners being great assists in attack or standing properly in defence with very little coaching which was brilliant! There were some great goals from all teams but one stood out for me with one of the Rose’s Reem Team playing for the second week ever scoring a goal from near the half way line! Brilliant!
It’s also nice to get to know the players in the other clubs a bit better. It’s turned into a nice social event where players from all three clubs in Cardiff can meet up and have a nice chat. The cakes on sale (in aid of the WKS trip to China) are also proving to be a good draw too!!
The best thing to see was everyone enjoying themselves, regardless of the scoreline and having a bit of fun on a summers evening.
After week 1 the league tables show us who are the teams to beat but things could all change in week 2. Fingers crossed for some sunny weather to accompany the brilliant games we have planned again!