Matt Morgan (Chair)
Chris Roberts (Secretary)
Chris Woodhead (Treasurer)
Kris Banham
Isabelle Knight
Laura McCarron
Cat Miedziak
Niki Morgan
James Newitt
Lorna Robb
Keira Washtell
Kiera Wilcox
James Wilcox
Registered proxy voters
Sean Berry
Jo Corless
Pete Miedziak
Lizzy Morgan
Lauren Oldacre
Liam Pattison
Lydia Sadd
Emma Seeley
Viraj Sharma
Rebekah Vettasseri
Naomi Wrigley
Alex Zens
Meeting notes
Chair opens the meeting and explains the reasons for calling the EGM. Will cover more basic matters first before proceeding to the substantive topic of the meeting.
The committee proposes changing appendix 4, section 1 of the Constitution as it currently states that members in breach of the club’s Code of Conduct are to be excluded from the club. The proposed change will allow for the committee to follow the club’s disciplinary procedure while still allowing for permanent exclusion where required.
Members voted unanimously in favour of the proposal.
The meeting moves on to financial matters, with two items to be voted on prior to discussing the main options. The committee has proposed to vary the discounted membership rates offered by the club and to define these as a percentage of the main monthly rate in order to simplify future fee adjustments.
Members voted unanimously in favour of the proposal.
In addition, there is currently a membership tier defined in the constitution for “casual players” which provides all the current benefits of standard membership without the matches. No members are currently on this tier and it was not widely advertised, therefore the committee proposes to remove this from the constitution to clean up membership tiers and allow easier administration of the club finances, with the intention to investigate alternative options prior to the regular AGM.
Members voted unanimously in favour of the proposal.
Chair moves the meeting on to the substantive topic. The committee has brought three options to the wider membership in order to prepare the club financially for impending price rises. These options were distributed to club members in advance of the meeting and can be summarised as follows:
Option 1 – Increase fees by 16%
Option 2 – Retain fees at current level and reduce hall time
Option 3 – Retain fees at current level and change time and venue of Tuesday sessions
Members discuss the various implications of these options, including the effects of price rises on members, or the broader implications of moving training venues and the cost to the club of losing members due to an inability to travel to alternative venues in the event training is relocated. Members generally agreed that reducing hall time was not a viable option and that sufficient training time is important for the overall success of the club and its teams. It was also agreed that any reduction in session lengths below 1h30 was not conducive to an effective training session.
Members voted on the three options, and the results are as follows:
Option 1 – 23 members (92%)
Option 2 – 1 member (4%)
Option 3 – 1 member (4%)
In accordance with the results of the vote, the committee will increase the fees as detailed in the options document, and this increase will come into effect as of the 1st of April 2024.
Meeting is closed with no further business.