Matt Morgan (Chair)
Chris Roberts (Secretary)
Chris Woodhead (Treasurer)
Emma Seeley
Jo Corless
Biv Matthew
Meeting notes
Fees policy
Chris W discusses proposed fees policy. Explains rationale involving outstanding invoices
and ensuring the club has adequate liquidity.
Monthly fees are unchanged for the 2023/24 season. Will need to discuss junior fees at a
future AGM/EGM as these have been left unchanged for a few years and require a vote to
update in line with the other fees in the event that under 18s join the club at a future date.
Discussed potential for introduction of sign in sheet at training to allow for ease of
administering PAYG memberships. No decisions made, but Matt Morgan to discuss sign in
sheets with coaches.
New rules on how payments may affect squad selections were discussed and clarifications
were made on the number of free sessions new members are entitled to and how matches
may work in this free sessions period.
Policies on club debts were discussed. Matt Morgan has gathered the opinions of the
coaches on these policies and how it would affect team selections. A consensus was
reached on the policy and the wording was clarified to reflect this. Some changes were
deferred and not included in the current fees policy as they will need to be voted on at an
AGM/EGM in order to come into effect. Chris W to finalise the policy and distribute to the
committee for final agreement.
Chris R now has access to the website and will arrange accounts for some committee
members whose role may require it (e.g. social media secretaries) and will be doing some
work to update the website and ensure it is a more useful and up-to-date source of
information on club activities and to ensure prospective members have all the information
they need from the website.
Future meetings
Committee agrees to hold meetings every two months. Preferably in person but online
meetings may be held depending on availability.
Next meeting is due to be held in December 2023.