About Us
The first independent korfball club founded in Wales... Welcome to Cardiff City Korfball Club
Are you looking to meet new people in Cardiff? Maybe a way to have fun and keep fit at the same time? We’ve got the perfect solution – Korfball. It is the world’s only mixed-sex team sport and there’s no other way to play it, so it makes for the perfect club to join if you’re looking for a great social atmosphere.
“What is korfball?” – It’s the difference between basketball and netball but you don’t need to have played any sport before if you’re thinking of joining. We always welcome new members who wish to join our vibrant and expanding club. Find out more about Korfball.
Korfball is competitive – we have multiple teams to cater for all abilities, whether you’re after exercise and the opportunity to meet new friends, or you want to help us defend our titles! We compete in the beginner-friendly Welsh Korfball League and England Korfball’s Western Regional League and Promo League. In the summer we head to various summer tournaments and host our very own Beach Korfball event!
We organise a huge range of socials like laser tag, bowling, karaoke, Flight Club, pub quizzes, Christmas meals and awards evenings, so we really cater for everyone, especially if you’re looking to meet new people.
Like what you hear and want to be a part of it? If you’re looking to meet up for training and hang out at the socials, that’s cool! Maybe you want to really get stuck in and compete in our top teams, then we have qualified coaches to help you get there.
Want it all? All you need is a pair of trainers and a desire to have more fun exercising than you thought humanly possible. Your first sessions are free so try korfball and find out what all the fuss is about – see our training page to find out where we are and when our training sessions are run.